
Building a Strong Community for Student Success.

Welcome to REAL Families!

We are here to support all families at REAL Journey Academies, with a particular focus on empowering those who may face challenges. We believe in fostering strong partnerships between parents, schools, and the community. Through REAL Families, you’ll gain the resources and information you need to help your child thrive at our academies.

Together, we can create an exceptional educational experience for all REAL Journey Academies students!

Stronger together

What REAL Families Offers:

A Welcoming Environment

We want you to feel comfortable, valued, and heard. REAL Families is a safe space for parents and families to connect, grow, and learn together.

Workshops & Training

Throughout the year, we offer workshops and training programs designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to support your child's academic journey.

Dedicated Support

Our team of two Parent Liaisons is here to address your questions, concerns, and ideas in a timely manner.

Stronger Partnerships

We believe that collaboration is key. REAL Families helps build connections between parents, schools, and the community, fostering a supportive network for everyone.

Life is About the Journey

REAL Journey Academies (RJA) is a non-profit, charter school organization headquartered in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. With 14 years of experience, RJA currently operates five school sites serving over 2,000 TK – 12 students and is developing plans to expand operations in the Inland Empire and other regions of California. We provide students with a safe environment that challenges them and helps them excel in their academics and development as a student.